Click on image to find train times to Corporation Park Blackburn.
Trainline, click on the train for train times to
Corporation Park, Blackburn.
Opens in a new window.
Latitude 53.757072
Something magical has happened in Corporation Park!!!

Fourteen fairies have made their homes in the trees.

If you’re good at finding them, you can see their doors along a trail in the park. It’s a nice school holiday activity for youngsters and the young at heart.

No doors are down steep slopes, but please remember there are lots of natural materials to take care around - branches, twigs, mud, rocks, brambles, roots etc. so stay safe.

In these covid times we would advise not touching surfaces, but if you do, make sure you sanitize your hands afterwards. 

Happy spotting! Can you find all fourteen doors? Let us know which you liked best.

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Click here to download a list of the doors you can print out and record as you find them.

We would love to hear your stories on finding the 14 fairy doors and to publish any photos we can have your permission to publish on this site.

You can send us your stories and photos via email by clicking here.
Click here to to read some of the
fairytales we have received
Click on map to download and print.
Click here to download a list of the doors you can print out and record as you find them.